Floating hammer, force of impact don't act on basic shaft and surface, have buffer action. 环锤浮动,冲击力不直接作用于主轴和壳体,有一定的缓冲作用。
Three kinds of buffer structure were described under the buffering conditions of overall gun with high firing frequency automat, including spring hydraulic floating mechanism, high performance buffer with ring reed and the force optimized recoil control ( FORC) system. 阐述了高射频自动机全炮缓冲情况下,弹簧液压式浮动机、环簧高性能缓冲器和内源式FORC装置的结构原理。
Three algorithms of the general plotting library-grid algorithm for functional curved surfaces, and floating horizon algorithm and scan line buffer algorithm for discrete space points are briefly introduced. 本文简要介绍通用绘图程序库实现的三个算法,即函数曲面的网格消隐算法,离散点的浮动水平线算法和离散点的扫描线缓冲区算法。
The innovative idea of this thesis The first time to use ABR to treat high-strength garbage and nightsoil wastewater and complete an underground treatment facility, the first time in our country to utilize the floating cover in the design of landfill leachate buffer tank. 论文创新点:首次将ABR用于高浓度垃圾粪便污水的处理和建成地埋式装置,另外在垃圾渗滤液的调节池设计上,在国内首次采用浮盖新技术设计。